IPK Kochi team and Pune team sold at Rs3200/crores.
Can you imagine total value of IPL team and total turnover involved?
Can you imagine the total loss government has to incur in organization of game?
Can Government stop this and ask the team buyers to invest the same amount for poor?
Can our government motivate sponsors of IPL to invest their money in public investment to create more and more job opportunities?
Why doesn’t government stop expenses in providing security and other infrastructure maintenance?
In a country where majority of population is unable to earn even bread and butter for survival, it is justified to spoil so many amounts on IPL and allow dirty politicians to focus on such avoidable costly game at the cost of poor Indians?
Can we not learn lessons from other developed countries like USA, UK, France, China, Japan, and Germany who are not participating in such costly games and concentrating on the development of their country?
Can a poor country like India afford expenses on such game or common wealth game where poverty is spreading like cancer?
Can you imagine the indirect loss caused to nation by those who spoil his precious time in watching game on TV?
Is present UPA government serving the interest of Common men through IPL?
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